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Philip Robson
Dec 10, 20225 min read
Let’s Finish Strong!
Last week we looked at the fact that God finishes what He has started, the fact that as the Sovereign Lord, history is indeed ‘His...
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Philip Robson
Dec 5, 20224 min read
It’s Not Just How You Start…
…But How You Finish That Counts God is one who finishes what He has started. The universe and the earth had a beginning; in fact, the...
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Philip Robson
Nov 1, 20224 min read
Can These Bones Live?
On Sunday there was a prophetic word in our church service based on Ezekiel 37 about dreams that had died. We have all had ambitions,...
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Philip Robson
Mar 12, 20225 min read
Surviving Shaking
God has guaranteed there will be shaking: he has stated categorically, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."...
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Philip Robson
Mar 5, 20224 min read
Shine While the World is Shaking
We are warned in Scripture that… Shaking is bound to happen… At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more...
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Philip Robson
Feb 19, 20225 min read
Bedrock Faith
(How to develop unshakeable faith in an unshakeable God) Sometimes when construction companies need to build a bridge or a high building...
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Philip Robson
Nov 27, 20213 min read
Framing Your World with the Word
By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which...
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Philip Robson
Nov 20, 20212 min read
What Faith Is Not
I believe we can get a clearer picture of what faith is by pointing out what it is not. There is a clear distinction between faith and...
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Philip Robson
Nov 13, 20212 min read
Faith Has A Focus
Faith is not a mystical, ethereal thing. When you face a challenge people often say, “Just have faith”, but to me that is an incomplete...
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Philip Robson
Nov 6, 20213 min read
Faith is the Currency of the Kingdom
As the Apostle Paul approached the end of his earthly life he was able to say these words: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished...
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Philip Robson
Oct 30, 20213 min read
Drink Deadly Poison - and Live!
When diagnosed as having cancer, many people refuse treatment since they believe that the treatment is worse than having the disease...
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Philip Robson
Oct 23, 20213 min read
Jesus and medicine
Many believers seem to find a conflict between exercising faith for healing and taking medication. Because they live in the age of modern...
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Philip Robson
Aug 30, 20212 min read
Just ask
Why is it that we so often battle along alone? It seems to me that Western culture has blindly enshrined the value of independence...
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Philip Robson
Aug 30, 20213 min read
Identity theft
The question I often ask myself is, “who am I, and what on earth am I here for?” If I can answer that question I will have a secure sense...
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