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Writer's picturePhilip Robson

News Update

Just a bit of news to keep you posted…

My sincere apologies to my faithful followers who signed up on my website. I feel like I have left you very much in the lurch as I have not posted any new blogs in the last while. This is partly because we have been through a rather challenging time medically and administratively. But, for your info I have posted something like 48 blogs over the past year which were lovingly penned. Perhaps you would like to navigate on my website to a blog you never read. Spiritual truths are timeless and shouldn’t age. I’m sure they will still bless you!

Can you believe it, our Medical Aid Scheme (HealthSquared) went bankrupt and only gave us two weeks’ notice that they were shutting down? We had been members since February 2000. Fortunately, they had paid for most of my recent medical expenses before they folded. We were however, left with several thousand Rand worth of medical bills that we are busy paying off.

We were in a mad scramble to find a new Medical Aid Scheme and were worried that we would be penalized since we are both over 65 years and I have a history of cancer. We found that it’s really difficult comparing apples with apples because medical schemes have such different ways in presenting themselves. Anyway, we eventually settled on Discovery “Essential Delta Comprehensive” where we are now on a three-month general waiting period. This means that they will not cover any general medical expenses for the next three months – so we are on our own! No, not really! We know that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Eph 3:20). And my God will meet all your needs (and ours too) according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Php 4:19)

After my recent painful battles with a broken leg and the need for radiotherapy, I am pleased to report that my cancer count has come down to 3 which means that I am regarded by the medical fraternity as being in remission once more (although I’m still on ‘maintenance chemotherapy’). Thank you for your concern and prayer support. God is good and has answered so many of our prayers. I’m exercising regularly and gaining strength and weight once more. Ha ha! I told my doctor that he had better get used to my face because I’m going to be around for at least another five years.

I have been on the CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope Facebook Group for some time, but recently started posting links to some of my previous blogs which deal specifically with fighting cancer. My cancer buddies have enjoyed the blogs and there has been a lot of traffic through my website which is a good thing. Hopefully it is gradually creating an awareness of my book “Going Against Goliath.”

Here are some links to the cancer blogs that I have re-posted recently:

I was very excited when JOY Magazine decided to print one of my blogs in their October edition. Unfortunately, out of deference to them I can’t share the link with you as yet as they would obviously like people to buy the magazine which has plenty of other good articles.

God willing, I hope to be back in action again soon posting blogs on a regular basis.

Until we talk again,

God bless,


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