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Writer's picturePhilip Robson

It’s Time to Die!

I’m the author of a book titled “Going Against Goliath” and subtitled “How to fight cancer and win”. The book, based on my own experience as a three times cancer survivor, is all about how to maintain one’s hope and faith in God and to stand strong whilst fighting cancer. Whilst I was still busy penning the book my editor asked the question, “Is there not a place for a glorious death in God for a cancer sufferer?” I assured her that I believed there was as I was busy at the time writing the final chapter which addressed that very thing. One has to be real and concede that not all cancer patients are miraculously healed and many end up dying of this dread disease. How one prepares for and faces death is important since there is indeed a place for “A glorious death in God”. I’m reminded of a verse in Psalm 116 which reads, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” (Psa 116:15)

About eighteen months ago I visited a dear friend of mine who was lying in hospital and who was very weak. He had fought a courageous battle of some nineteen years against a cancer known as lymphoma. As I pondered and prayed about what to say to him, I did not feel I should pray for his healing, but rather encourage him as he proceeded to the final frontier – death. I reminded him that many of the heroes of faith in the Bible knew when their time to leave this earth had come. They were somehow prepared for it. I spoke in particular about the patriarch Jacob, whom God renamed Israel.

We read this about his death…

Gen 48:21 Then Israel said to Joseph, "I am about to die, but God will be with you and take you back to the land of your fathers.

Gen 49:1-2 Then Jacob called for his sons and said: "Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come. (2) Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob; listen to your father Israel."

Israel then spoke prophetically over all his sons and blessed them one by one. Then we read these words…

Gen 49:33 When Jacob had finished giving instructions to his sons, he drew his feet up into the bed, breathed his last and was gathered to his people. This to me was a glorious death in God!

It seems that my friend took to heart what I had shared. He was discharged from hospital to be allowed to “die at home”. This gave the opportunity for his wife, his family of five children, their spouses and his grandchildren to gather for a final weekend together. He gave each of his children a special word from God and a blessing, then he passed away shortly afterwards. What a testimony his death was and what a glorious celebration his funeral too! In the end he stopped fighting death and instead embraced it, secure in the knowledge that in Christ death had lost its sting.

Just the other day I lost another friend to lung cancer. He too was secure in his relationship with Father God. When it became clear that radiotherapy and chemotherapy was no longer effective in controlling the disease, his oncologist agreed to stop all treatment other than giving him oxygen and drugs for pain relief. Shortly after his wife, pastor and a few others had spent some time worshipping the Lord in song, his soul passed into eternity. Although his wife is grieving, she is secure in the knowledge that he died in the Lord. There is no anger or vitriol against God in her spirit, but rather a peace that passes human understanding. She is secure in her relationship with “the Father of Compassion and the God of all Comfort.” (See 2Co 1:3)

None of us knows when we will die. Even young and healthy individuals could die in a motor accident or due to violent crime. So I ask the following…

What about you? When your time comes will you be ready to meet your maker? You can be freed from the fear of death by putting your faith in Jesus the one who destroyed the power of death. (See Heb 2:14-15). Jesus said these words in Joh 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

Put your faith in Jesus and cross from death to eternal life.

P.S. If you have followed the link to read this blog you are already on my website. Should you need more information about my book “Going Against Goliath”, please explore the website further. The book is available on Amazon, Kindle and Audiobooks.

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